God, My Story

My Blogging Journey

A Common Question

I now understand why so many bloggers eventually ask their readers, “What topics interest you the most?” If I asked that question, I’d mostly want inspiration. I’d want to hear something in the answers that excited me to write. I’d want direction. I’d want to hear something in the answers that gave me guidance when I felt ‘all over the place’ in my writing styles or subjects. I’d want affirmation. I’d want to be encouraged that what I’m writing is bigger than myself.

These things are great if the focus of my blog is others-oriented. But then I remember WHY I’m writing. I didn’t start blogging to eventually make it a business. I didn’t start blogging to make a name for myself. I didn’t start blogging because I was so passionate about a specific subject that I wanted to super-focus on it. No, I started because it was God’s idea. 

From Chaos…

Photo by Startup Stock Photos on Pexels.com

Nearly nine months ago, as I was wrestling with a jumbled up pile of thoughts running through my head, I felt God say that I should start blogging. I was surprised, to say the least, because I had no desire to try to ‘build’ something like this. I didn’t want the responsibility of producing posts, being on a schedule and doing it well. Of course, one might say that I didn’t have to have any of that, but I knew without a schedule, I wouldn’t keep it up. 

As I strongly considered that maybe this really was God’s voice and that He probably knew what He was doing in asking me to write, I began to write. I started sharing little by little with people, ‘I’m going to start a blog.’ It felt so odd to say that and also a bit self-promoting. However, as I wrote my posts, I found that I really wanted to share them with people. I wanted to let others know more about me and have somewhat of a dialogue about the things going through my mind. I wanted to connect with a wider group of people than those I see day to day.

to Order…

When I stepped out in obedience to God’s prompting, I didn’t know how much it would change me. You see, God wasn’t asking me to write for the sake of ‘making a name for myself’ nor was He asking me to write solely to help other people. He actually wanted me to write for my own good!

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels.com

As I’ve spent these last nine months writing about the things that come to mind, my blog has become a bit of a ‘polished’ journal. It’s helped me clarify my thoughts in ways that thinking alone couldn’t do. It’s helped me interact with a wide range of topics that I come in contact with on a regular basis; things like adoption, racial awareness, storytelling, life choices, music, singing, biblical ideas/commentaries, my past, my present, my future, and so much more. I am more grounded because I’m writing and I’m more organized in my mind and heart.

plus Connection…

God’s so good that not only have I become more settled within myself, but I’ve connected with people I haven’t had the chance to interact with regularly. I’ve reconnected in a new way with family and friends that live far away. I’ve more deeply connected with the meaningful people in my life just because I can interact on my own time table (no time constraints or scheduling to figure out). Additionally, I’ve always been a bit of a social butterfly and this has been such a fun way to have a chance to interact with more people on a semi-regular basis. I feel more alive now that I’m reaching out and sharing with people like this. It’s been so fulfilling in a new and refreshed sort of way!

Being a social butterfly with some friends!

and patiently waiting for Inspiration.

I find myself wanting to know which posts or topics people like to read the most, but then I remember that this blog was a gift to me from God. He’s the one who’s opinion and direction matter the most. So, when I am uninspired, I’ll wait and listen and hope to catch even the most fleeting idea for a post. Then I’ll start to write and see where Holy Spirit leads me. I’ll see how Holy Spirit took a passing idea and turned my thinking all around so that I look at it with a new perspective. And I’ll be excited to hear how my journey is encouraging, helping, and cheering others on as well.

I’m so thankful to be writing this blog and have a place to share my thoughts. I’m so thankful to each of you who read this blog and interact with me because of it. It’s been wonderful to connect and dialogue! It’s been so fun to share and receive feedback. I’m happy to be blogging and, I suppose, I will continue into the new year! 😉

P.S. Have you ever had something that you started so it could benefit you, but then it ‘got away from you’ and became others-focused? Did you feel like that’s where it was supposed to go or did you have to remind yourself that it was ALSO to help you in some way? I’d be really interested to hear about your experience(s).

Adoption, My Story

Adoption Update: December 2019

We’re Approved!…

We can finally, officially say that our home study has been finalized and approved! This means that we can adopt at any time! This means we can put ourselves out there so that expectant moms wanting to make an adoption plan can confidently know that we are approved to adopt. This means we can apply for grants and scholarships! There are so many things that can happen now that we’ve been approved.

The Wait…

I hear that what we’ll do most in this stage is wait. Because of the type of adoption we’re doing, we’ll be waiting to for an expectant mother to hear about our desire to adopt and then choose us to be the prospective adoptive parents of her child. The decision is first up to the expectant mother. 

What to Do?…

With that in mind, there are still things we can do while we wait. First, we need to make up a profile book about our family so that an expectant mother can get a first glimpse of who we are and what type of family her child might be raised in. If the mother feels some connection to us after viewing this book, she can request to meet us in person. From there we’d just see how things feel on both sides and continue steps either towards or away from working on adoption together. 

Second, we’ll be getting the word out that we’re hoping to adopt. It’s not unlikely for a friend of a friend to know an expectant mother who is looking to make an adoption plan. If this happens, then we’ll all start the process of meeting and deciding if working towards adoption together is in everyone’s best interest.

Third, we will start working more diligently on our fundraising and grant/scholarship plans. We definitely want to include many people in our adoption process and so far we’ve asked mostly for prayer and reading our updates, but helping financially is another practical way to help us make this dream into a reality! 

More Specific Information…

There are more specifics to our adoption process than what I’ve shared in Social Media. If you’d like to ask more specific questions of us, please feel free to Comment, send me a Facebook Message, or even ask me in person! I definitely want to talk about this topic with people, but I probably won’t bring up details unless I know it’s something you’re interested in dialoguing about.

Thank You…

Again, we want to thank all of you who have been so supportive on our adoption journey this far! We’re really excited and it’s been so wonderful to see the various ways people have offered their support as we’ve delved into the adoption process. Thank you!